Longevity is sometimes called lifespan and indicates the length of life in years a person can expect to live. Needless to say, many variables go into this calculation, but it is often used by governments, insurance companies, and healthcare providers, for projections, risk analysis, and benefits. Be aware that these are averages you see in reports and research, just take a look at this interactive chart based on 2011 data. That data hasn’t changed much either way since then. BTW, my wife and I are moving to Monaco!
So why is it something we need to think about? Retirement, money, and health. Depending on where you live, retirement may be as young as 55, from a company position. Many others officially retire at 65. Some work beyond that age, either part-time or volunteering for organizations until age catches up to them.
Once you retire, you are living off investments made before retirement, unless you had a rich relative that left a bunch of money to you. That length is longevity, and those funds determine what kind of lifestyle you will have.
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