David Moyer is available to speak at your conference, corporate meetings, and on podcasts.
- Founder of ElderHonor,
- Creator of the Caregiving Toolkit,
- Developer of the CARE Methodology, and
- Provider of ElderHonor’s Employee Assistance Program
- Caregiver to his Mom until her passing at 95 years young.

While building a successful career growing companies and trotting the globe for clients, David and his Wife lost several parents, stepparents and two siblings that brought into focus how little time we have together. We know parents are going to die but are often not prepared when it happens. In addition, stress, anxiety, fear of making a wrong decision haunts us all in some aspect.
As a result of these experiences and seeing others in the same situation, David studied the challenges of aging so that he could help others through this time of life. David is a Certified Senior Advisor and developed the Caregiving Toolkit that educates family members on how to start the conversation with your parents through end of life and beyond so that everyone knows what to expect and can make informed, and confident decisions when the time comes. The Caregiver Toolkit has 14 lessons, 90 videos, and over 30 assessments and worksheets to walk families through this process.
You may contact David at the number listed at the bottom of this page. You can also download David’s one-page overview using the link below.
Popular Topics
Caregiving Framework
Conversations, Assessments, Roadmap, and Education (CARE). Whether you are just starting out, in the middle or near the end, Conversations are key to keeping the family together and in sync. On-going Conversations make it easier to Assess situations, before, during and after they happen. Being able to see where you are physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally helps plan direction and next steps. Building a Roadmap helps everyone know what needs to be done, when, and by whom so it becomes a family effort. Lastly, we are big on Education as it is the key to knowledge along the path.
Plan Ahead or Crisis Management
We plan for just about everything in our lives. What to wear, what job we want, what university to attend, getting married, having children, buying a home, going on vacation. Everything is planned. How is it that old age and eventual dying seem to slip up behind us and cause us to go into panic mode?
We can see our parents getting older; JUST LOOK AT THEM! It stares us in the face, yet we can’t see it or choose not to.
When something happens, a fall, car crash, heart attack, or worse, it smacks us in the face, and we immediately go (slightly-to-all out) crazy. You are now in crisis management mode, making decisions that we’re not sure of, spending money we don’t have, and sometimes ruining lifetime relationships due to the stress we’ve put on ourselves, and others.
There is another way. It’s calm, assuring, confidence building, and engages your entire family. Planning ahead is not as hard as it sounds and can often lead to deeper family relationships. Start today!
Employee Caregivers
An average of 20% of employees are giving care to someone in their family, certain industries have a higher percentage.
Over 60% of employees say that it has impacted their work by being late, leaving early, or not getting work done.
The impact is greater the higher up an organization as senior staff tend to be older with parents retiring or experiencing ill health.
Addressing this has been a challenge. Some companies offer paid time off to be used any way the employee wants but this cuts into vacations, others offer stress management as part of mental health offerings.
None address the caregiving employee.
Benefits to your audience
Over 60% of caregivers are women many of whom may be taking care of children as well, the Sandwich generation. Awareness is key to understanding what is coming their way. The more you are prepared the better you will make confident decisions and be able to spend more quality time being with your parent. Tools and methods are described that can be implemented quickly to help wherever your audience is on their journey.
What others are saying
This course is excellent! It is full of so much information about a subject that isn’t discussed enough. Honoring your loved ones by caring for them as they age is a beautiful thing but can be so complicated and overwhelming, mostly because we are trying to figure things out as we go and feel so unprepared. This course helps alleviate that stress with clear teaching and gives you tons of tips and tools to feel confident about making difficult decisions. It is so well organized and easy to go back through and find exactly what you need, when you need it. Thank you for giving this topic the attention it deserves!
haley d.
The Caregiver Toolkit course is very comprehensive with many helpful forms, checklists and links. The course focuses on maintaining your loved one’s dignity and honoring them as they age. The Caring for Yourself section was useful as I reflected on how the caring for my aging mother has been affecting me. The recommendations on staying healthy were a good reminder as I support my mother who lives alone and not close by. I only wish this course had been available years ago when my father was still living as some decisions made for their end of life care may have been different and more thought out.
karen f.
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Prevent Memory Decline: Effective Solutions for Alzheimer’s Or Dementia
Presented on December 3, 2021
A 90 minute discussion on what Dementia is, the types and stages, how to slow down or prevent it, and how to live with someone with Dementia.